>Home >Guitar Score Playlist >「蛋蛋保姆级吉他零基础教学」课程曲谱集



Playlist Introduction:蛋蛋老师的吉他教程曲谱合集!在每一堂课下课之后记得要去练习,练好之后再去下一堂课,心急吃不了热豆腐!教程地址:

This playlist was uploaded by the user Views:43494 2021-12-30 17:25





- This playlist was uploaded by the user -

Playlist Introduction:蛋蛋老师的吉他教程曲谱合集!在每一堂课下课之后记得要去练习,练好之后再去下一堂课,心急吃不了热豆腐!教程地址:

2021-12-30 17:25 阅读数:43494 Collect


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